Sunday, March 27, 2011

Funny Times

Do you remember when .... lol

Everyone has a memory of something funny that a family member has done. I remember the time when Leo startled Delbert right out of his chair, still brings a chuckle when I think of it.

It would be great if you would please take a moment and think of a memory that brings a smile to your face and share it with us. We are always interested in these stories and the opportunity to share them with each other.

Also, a reminder that every person that provides answers to the Survival Game will be entered into a draw. We are also looking for the ONE WORD that comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family, and last but certainly not least if you have any photos that you could share it would be appreciated.

We ask that you send this link to family members that may not be aware of its existence and encourage everyone to comment on the posts.

Until next time - The Reunion Committee

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feedback and Responses

Time is going by really quickly and we wanted to just recap what is happening to date.

We are currently negotiating with Antler Hill for Reunion 2011 to be held from June 30 - July 3rd. It has been confirmed the County will be doing some road repair and hope to have the trees on the north side of the area removed prior to the July long weekend. With that being said, we are concerned about the mess that the road may be in and are looking at other options in case we experience a very wet spring.

In February we asked if you would take a few moments and share some family photos that you have of either Grandma and Grandpa, aunts, uncles or each other at previous reunions. it is appreciated if the photo(s) were digitized and sent (along with the story that accompanies them) to at your convenience.

We also asked for ONE WORD that comes to mind when you think of the Quaife's (reunions or family in general). I know everyone has a story to share but we are looking for ONE WORD ONLY right now.

And last, but definitely not least we asked you to participate in a game of survival. Each participant will be entered into a draw at the reunion, you will however have to wait to see what the draw prize will be.

And as always, any comments or suggestions are welcomed. We look forward to planning the event and ensuring everyone enjoys their time together. Please ensure you pass the link to this blog along to anyone that is related. Please do not assume we have a complete listing of email addresses.

If you have received this link from someone other than please send a quick email so we can add you to the email listing for future updates.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Survival Game

With the recent, or should we say everlasting, crappy weather the idea of a survival game came to mind. So here is a "Survival Game" for you to do. For everyone that completes it your name will be entered into a draw at the Reunion.

You and your companions have been stranded in the Canadian north - or more specific, central Alberta. It's March and the daily temperature is -25C with nights going down to -40C. There is snow on the ground and the countryside is wooded with several creeks and large rivers criss-crossing the area. The nearest town is 25 kilometres away. You are dressed in city clothes appropriate for a business meeting. Your group managed to salvage the following items:

ball of steel wool
small ax
a loaded .45 calibre-pistol
can of Crisco shortening
newspapers (1 per person)
cigarette lighter (without fluid)
extra shirt and pants for each survivor
20 x 20 ft piece of heavy-duty canvas
sectional air map made of plastic
1 quart of 100 proof whiskey
a compass
family-sized chocolate bars (1 per person)

Please rank the items in order of importance for survivial with #1 being the most essential item and #12 being the least essential item for survival.

Remember - everyone who completes the game will be entered into a draw at the reunion.