Sunday, March 6, 2011

Survival Game

With the recent, or should we say everlasting, crappy weather the idea of a survival game came to mind. So here is a "Survival Game" for you to do. For everyone that completes it your name will be entered into a draw at the Reunion.

You and your companions have been stranded in the Canadian north - or more specific, central Alberta. It's March and the daily temperature is -25C with nights going down to -40C. There is snow on the ground and the countryside is wooded with several creeks and large rivers criss-crossing the area. The nearest town is 25 kilometres away. You are dressed in city clothes appropriate for a business meeting. Your group managed to salvage the following items:

ball of steel wool
small ax
a loaded .45 calibre-pistol
can of Crisco shortening
newspapers (1 per person)
cigarette lighter (without fluid)
extra shirt and pants for each survivor
20 x 20 ft piece of heavy-duty canvas
sectional air map made of plastic
1 quart of 100 proof whiskey
a compass
family-sized chocolate bars (1 per person)

Please rank the items in order of importance for survivial with #1 being the most essential item and #12 being the least essential item for survival.

Remember - everyone who completes the game will be entered into a draw at the reunion.

GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! Print this post


  1. surviver/// extra clothes, lighter,steel wool,axe, compass,chocolatebars,tarps,map,whiskey,pistol,shortening, newspaper.
    word for quaife family :: survivers--strength to keep going in lifes ups and downs
    Ball diamond: area needed large enough to hold game. Appears to be important to family brag board.

  2. Survival Game: submitted by Tony Quaife
    In order of importance:
    1. 1 Quart of 100 proof Whiskey - You are not a true Quaife unless this is #1.
    2. 20 X 20 Ft.Piece of heavy Duty Plastic - For Privacy (We are Quaife's!!)
    3. Family sized Chocolate Bars - for those times when PMS hits.
    4. Loaded .45 caliber Pistol - I don't think an explation for this is necessary after the chocolate is gone.
    5. Small Ax - we all love a good fire.
    6. Ball of steel wool - to sharpen the ax.
    7. Can of crisco shortening - we need something to cook with and it always tastes better with ALOT of Crisco according to Grandma Quaife.
    8. Newspapers (1 per person) - we need something to do while the Privacy tent is being used.
    9. Extra Shirt and Pants - no one likes to wear the same thing day after day.
    10. Cigaretter Lighter - Low on the list because apparently we probably ran out of cigarettes.
    11. A compass - Quaife men do not get lost!
    12. Sectional air map made of plastic - See #11 and Quaife men do not need to ask directions.

  3. Kim Howell said...

    whiskey,ball of steel wool,axe,extra shirt and pants,map,gun,canvas tarp,compass,newspaper,cigarette lighter,chocolate bar, crisco.

    gun,cigarette lighter,axe,newpaper,crisco,steel wool,whiskey,map,compass,extra shirt and pants,canvas tarp,chocolate bar

    tarp,lighter,steel wool,axe, paper, crisco,map,gun, whiskey, extra shirt and pants, compass, chocolate bar

  4. Response from Dorothy and Tom:

    1-extra shirt and pants
    2. 20 x 20 ft piece of heavy-duty canvass
    3. newspaper
    4. cigarette lighter
    5. 1 quart of 100% proof whiskey
    6. small ax
    7. a compass
    8. can of Crisco shortening
    9. family sized chocolate bar
    10. a compass
    11.sectional air map made of plastic
    12. ball of steel wool

  5. Dakota:
    canvas,extra clothes,lighter,whiskey,steel wool, newspaper,axe,map,compass,choclate bars,gun,crisco

    canvas,steel wool,whiskey,newspaper,lighter,
    crisco,pistol,axe,extra clothes,map,compass,chocolate bars

  6. Sarah and Greg
    steel wool
    choclate bars

    I would also like to add to Tony that was the best list ever I could not stop laughing

  7. Brian Quaife posted:

    1 loaded pistol
    2 small axe
    3 newspapers
    4 cigarette lighter
    5 extra shirt and pants
    6 heavy duty canvas
    7 sectional air map
    8 compass
    9 chocolate bars
    10 wiskey
    11 crisco
    12 steel wool
    My reasoning I would dismantle the gun shells one at a time in order to make a fire from the news paper and surrounding forest with the gun powder the sparks from the lighter wlii be used to ignite the gun powder. Now that the fire is ablaze we will dress in layers set up the canvas for shelter ,look at our map . to see exactly where we are at. Drink 2 shots of wiskey.Hunt for game near by. Build bigger fire to attract attention[ second fire]
