Sunday, March 27, 2011

Funny Times

Do you remember when .... lol

Everyone has a memory of something funny that a family member has done. I remember the time when Leo startled Delbert right out of his chair, still brings a chuckle when I think of it.

It would be great if you would please take a moment and think of a memory that brings a smile to your face and share it with us. We are always interested in these stories and the opportunity to share them with each other.

Also, a reminder that every person that provides answers to the Survival Game will be entered into a draw. We are also looking for the ONE WORD that comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family, and last but certainly not least if you have any photos that you could share it would be appreciated.

We ask that you send this link to family members that may not be aware of its existence and encourage everyone to comment on the posts.

Until next time - The Reunion Committee Print this post

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