...and it is hard to believe it is only a couple of months until we all get together.
We have now confirmed the reunion will be at Antler Hill from June 30 - July 3. We have been advised (Thanks Uncle Brian) that construction will not pose a problem for us, so that is a relief, now we only have to keep our fingers crossed for the weather.
There has been some concerns expressed about the ability to post comments to the blog. It is our understanding in order to post a comment you have to have a google account. If you do not have a google account please feel free to send your comments to scresort@telusplanet.net and we will post them on your behalf.
There are still a few outstanding items that we need to deal with. They are all important so it would be appreciated if you would take a few minutes and provide a quick blog comment or email response at your convenience.
ONE WORD - we are looking for one word that comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family, reunions or events that have taken place.
WHO IS COMING - it is appreciated if you would advise us how many in your family is coming. Please be inclusive of the kids that don't live at home, or the parents that have not responded. We are looking for numbers to determine how much food is needed.
SURVIVAL GAME - please remember to enter your answers to the Survival Game, posted in February. There will be a draw for all those that provided their answers.
As the time gets closer more things will be happening so please keep looking at the blog for updates.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at scresort@telusplanet.net.
Thanks! Print this post
Response from Ken and Barb: