Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Spring and

a belated Happy Mothers day to all those wonderful Moms out there. We hope you enjoyed your weekend and some relaxing time.

It is great to see the trees budding and maybe we will see a flower or two soon, which quickly reminds us there is not alot of time left before the reunion.

We are still looking for confirmation on who will be attending; what ONE word comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family and/or reunions; and do not forget the survival game (March 6th post).

We have also heard there are challenges with posting to the blog site. It is our understanding you have to have a google account etc. If you do not have a google account and wish to comment please send your comments/suggestions to and we will post them on your behalf.

Please make sure to check back often (and share with those that may not have seen it yet) for exciting updates on the reunion.

Enjoy the weather!! Print this post

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