Thursday, May 26, 2011

It is hard to believe

that one long weekend has already passed. For many of us the 4 weekends throughout the summer are quickly booked, and this year is no exception.

We are hopeful that you have decided to join family over the July Long Weekend at the bi-annual Quaife reunion. The July 1st holiday actually falls on the Friday so we have Antler Hill (Old Pole Road) from Thursday afternoon until Monday afternoon for those that are able to enjoy an extended weekend.

We will enjoy some of the same activites such as baseball and horsehoes. We will also have a Bocce Ball Tournament so please bring your Bocce sets if you have one. There will also be a relay race (thanks for the suggestion) that will provide chuckles and entertainment for all those that partipate as well as spectators.

Remember to bring your cameras!!

It is very important that we know who is attending to arrange for food etc.

Saturday evening will be a supper, menu to be confirmed and Sunday morning as a Twoonie Breakfast, so make sure you have change. We will provide more details around the Supper on Saturday over the next couple of weeks.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment on the blog site or by email to

and the...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We are hearing alot of chatter about

campers being packed, trips planned to vacation homes,road trips and outdoor renovations so it must be close to the May Long Weekend. The upcoming weekend seems to be the weekend that starts the camping/summer season and this year, even with the inclement weather, is no exception. We have seen several trailers travelling down the highways to campgrounds and off-road areas for a weekend of enjoyment.

So that would mean the next long weekend is - that's right the Family Reunion Weekend. All the brainstorming has turned into activites for the weekend and some great games. There will be some great opportunities to share your stories and memories with the group as a whole and spend some quality time with family.

The Reunion is being held at Old Pole Road, the same as previous years, so there will be access to power and water for those tenters. We have been told there are some improvements, we will confirm and let everyone know.

We are still looking for a few items - if you would please take a few moments to provide your comments on the blog or via email to that wuold be greatly appreciated.

Who is coming? We are interested in knowing how many in your group are attending and for what days. This will assist in planning activities and meals. If you are unsure please guesstimate. A BIG thank you to those that have already responded.

ONE Word that comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family. The words are critical to the raffle so please take a few moments and send a quick email with your word. Keep in mind, this is one word from each person, so please feel free to brainstorm within your family and come up with a few. For those that have already provided a word, please feel free to send another on behalf of a family member.

As always, please ensure that you share this address with those that may not have received information on the reunion.

Until next time....

...don't forget to pack your roasting stick for campfire treats yum!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Spring and

a belated Happy Mothers day to all those wonderful Moms out there. We hope you enjoyed your weekend and some relaxing time.

It is great to see the trees budding and maybe we will see a flower or two soon, which quickly reminds us there is not alot of time left before the reunion.

We are still looking for confirmation on who will be attending; what ONE word comes to mind when you think of the Quaife family and/or reunions; and do not forget the survival game (March 6th post).

We have also heard there are challenges with posting to the blog site. It is our understanding you have to have a google account etc. If you do not have a google account and wish to comment please send your comments/suggestions to and we will post them on your behalf.

Please make sure to check back often (and share with those that may not have seen it yet) for exciting updates on the reunion.

Enjoy the weather!!