Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Family Day

Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the weather and participate in fun activities with family.

There may be a few of us Albertan's that were less than enthusiastic when the Family Day holiday was announced in 1990 and the realization that perhaps some would no longer be given the opportunity to enjoy the August long weekend as a statutory holiday. Well, time has helped with the discontent and it can't be that bad as Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and PEI have embraced the idea of having a Family Day as well.

There are a few different ways to enjoy the holiday - inside and outside, and many ways to remember the great memories that come from spending time with family. As we look back at previous reunions and family celebrations what word comes to mind?

We are looking for one word, not a sentence or a paragraph, just one word that describes what family means to you, what memories have been shared and the story that accompanies that specific word.

Please post the word that comes to mind, or email it to The excitement will be what comes of the word(s) posted and shared, what is important to each of us.

We ask that you pass on the link to this blog to family that may not be aware of it as we don't have all the emails to reach everyone. If at any time there are questions please feel free to post them here, or send them to

Happy February everyone! Print this post

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