Friday, January 14, 2011

Where has the time gone!

FAMILY: Those who descend from one common progenitor; a tribe, clan, or race; kindred; house; as, the human family; the family of Abraham; the father of a family.

REUNION: the act or process of coming together again; the state or condition of having been brought together again; a gathering of relatives, friends, or former associates

It is amazing how time passes so quickly. I was thinking about the reunion last year and all of a sudden there is less than six months to do some major thinking and creative planning for a fun-filled weekend.

I have tentatively booked Antler Hill again for the July long weekend this year. This year July 1 falls on a Friday so some people may be able to add a Thursday or Monday onto the already celebrated long weekend. Although my preference is to go to Saunders Creek there are some challenges that accompany that decision. With that being said I have not abandoned the idea and will keep everyone posted.

I have started the blog in an attempt to keep everyone informed about what is happening and provide a forum for some suggestions about what people want to see, what they like or dislike so that everyone can have an enjoyable weekend.

I will commit to updating the blog regularly with some of the great ideas and planning that is taking place. I have quite a few email addresses but know I don't have them all, so please pass along the blog address to anyone I may have missed and please cc me on the email ( so that there is a comprehensive list for the next reunion planners.

I look forward to planning the reunion and seeing all those able to make it in 2011.

Shelley Cuthbertson Print this post

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