Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is often referred to as the all American Game?

If you said Baseball you are correct. Although it may be argued that Baseball is similar to games played in 1344 the first known reference was in a 1744 British publication. Although the Quaife/Archer ballgames are not referenced in any publications (that we are aware of) they have become an integral part of the reunion.

So, the question for everyone reading is "How important is a baseball diamond?" We would like to understand the importance of a ball diamond so we can make an informed decision on location.

So please, post your comments and let us know your thoughts. Please remember to share this link with family that may have been missed, with a request to provide an email address for further follow-up.

Until next week - The Reunion Committee Print this post

1 comment:

  1. Shelly/shari. We really are ok either way, but there does not have to be a baseball diamond, if there is an open area anywhere we can play ball. So the Howell family opinion on the baseball game is open to whatever you guys decide. Thanks a bunch, Kim
