Saturday, June 11, 2011

We are so excited ...

...after months of planning we are into the final preparations for a fantastic weekend (just holding out for awesome weather)

There are a ton of activities that will be taking place over the weekend, providing a great variety for everyone. There will be a Bocce Ball Tournament (so please bring your Bocce set) as well as a Poker tournament so bring some cash, and let's not forget the survivor game which each person that enters will be eligible for a "survivor" prize.

The next best thing to activities is food - everyone knows that. This year will be no exception. We will have a fireside snack on Friday night, so please remember to bring your roasting sticks. On Saturday evening we will be hosting supper: meat, potatoes and buns will be provided. We ask that you each bring a salad and/or desert to share with everyone. This will be followed up with the "TOONIE" breakfast Sunday morning before everyone has to start packing up.

There will be entertainment Saturday evening and we are fortunate enough to have access to outdoor speakers so we encourage everyone to bring their iPods, iPhones etc to share the music.

With rising costs of the venue as well as food it has been decided the fee this year will be approximately $60.00 per family. A point of clarification, family is defined as those individuals that reside at your residence, so no extended family. We are aware this is a bit of an increase from two years ago however, it will also provide a bit of startup for the next group that organizes Reunion 2013 and covers some of the great prizes.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to leave a comment or send an email to and we will get right back to you.

Ta ta for now!!! Print this post

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